What If Meal-Time Wasn’t A Struggle Anymore?

Hey, Parents!

What if mealtime was more fun and less fuss? What if your child would eat more than chicken nuggets and french fries? What if you had more time because you weren’t making 3 different meals every mealtime?

It is possible! You can WIN at mealtime! You will be the envy of all your parent-friends!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I love some Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets as much as the next parent, but chicken at every meal will wear a parent down.

Let us help you take your next steps!

You can learn all the secrets to making your child a successful eater, and be less stressed out! (And your child will have better nutrition as a bonus!)

Our Speech-Language Pathologists are specially trained in Feeding Therapy and will turn your picky eater into an adventurous eater.

Call 864.244.3474 to start services today!

In the meantime, this website has a TON of amazing ideas and real-life examples of how to help your child take next steps with eating.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


P.S. – Are you an SLP looking for fun, fresh ideas to help with Feeding Therapy? Sign up NOW for our next CEU Course on Friday, April 13, 2018!

CLICK HERE to learn more!

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