Children reach motor milestones at different times, however, there are general guidelines in which children have certain skills. MTSkids provides therapy for the following areas of Motor Development: Apraxia, Autism, and Feeding.
Gross Motor:
- Moves arms symmetrically.
- Moves arms and legs to show interest.
- Lifts head while on stomach.
- Extends both legs.
Fine Motor:
- Can bring hands to midline while on her back.
- Grasps toy actively.
- Coordinates sucking, swallowing, breathing.
Gross Motor:
- Moves arms symmetrically.
- Moves arms and legs to show interest.
- Lifts head while on stomach.
- Extends both legs.
Fine Motor:
- Can bring hands to midline while on her back.
- Grasps toy actively.
- Coordinates sucking, swallowing, breathing.
Gross Motor:
- Sits without hand support for 10 minutes.
- Rolls from her stomach to back and back to stomach.
- May scoot on her belly.
- May push off the floor so that she rocks back and forth on her hands and knees.
- Able to stand with support.
Fine Motor:
- Bangs objects on table.
- Manipulates toy actively with wrist movements.
- Releases object voluntarily.
- Feeds self cracker.
- Drinks from cup held for her.
Gross Motor:
- Crawling forward and backwards.
- Pulls self up to stand.
- Walks holding on to furniture.
- May walk with assistance.
Fine Motor:
- Bangs two cubes held in hands.
- Puts objects in and takes objects out of container.
- Finger feeds self.
- Holds spoon.
- Cooperates with dressing by extending arm or leg.
Gross Motor:
- Walks without support
- Bends over and looks through legs.
- Begins to climb stairs.
- May try to “jump” without feet leaving the ground.
Fine Motor:
- Marks paper with crayon.
- Puts three or more objects into container.
- Builds tower using two cubes.
- Points with index finger.
- Brings spoon to mouth–turns spoon over.
Gross Motor:
- Stands on one foot with help.
- Rolls and tries to kick ball.
- Throws ball forward. Catches large ball.
- Stands on tiptoes.
Fine Motor:
- Builds tower using three cubes.
- Places hat on head.
- Strings three one-inch beads.
- May have definite food preferences.
- Turns small container upside down to obtain tiny object.
Gross Motor:
- Runs without tripping often
- Jumps on both feet; jumps backwards.
- Climbs stairs independently.
- Balances on one foot for a few seconds.
Fine Motor:
- Folds paper in half. Helps with bathing self.
- Builds tower using eight cubes. Dresses self with assistance.
- Insists on doing things independently.
Gross Motor:
- Catches and throw large ball.
- Hopping, climbing, and skipping independently.
- Runs on toes.
- Pedals tricycle and progresses to bicycle with training wheels by 4 or 5.
Fine Motor:
- Copies a circle. Snips on line using scissors.
- Pours liquid from small container. Uses fork.
- Uses napkin. Buttons large buttons.
- Begins to write letters around 4.
- Can write name and copy letters by 4 and a half.