How To Spend Quality Family-Time Together During The Holiday Season

While “hustle and bustle” is a key phrase during the holidays, it’s important to make quality family time a priority. We can’t be everywhere during the holidays, so making sure to take the time for you and your family to recharge and refuel for the upcoming year will help you get ready to tackle the New Year and leave lasting special memories!

Here are 10 of our favorite Christmas-themed activities to help you and your family spend some quality time together this holiday season:

  1. Have a holiday themed dance party together — the silliest dance moves win!

  2. Make a holiday greeting video together to send to relatives and friends.

  3. Have a holiday cookie decorating party.

  4. Ride through neighborhoods looking at holiday lights.

  5. Have a holiday themed scavenger hunt while driving through neighborhoods or at home. For example…

    • “How many inflatable snowmen can you find on our drive?”

    • “Santa loves cookies and milk. Go to where Santa’s milk will be kept nice and cold.”

  6. Have a family game night with hot chocolate and candy canes.

  7. Perform a random act of kindness for someone!

    • Leave your mailman a nice note in the mailbox for a special holiday surprise.

    • Surprise a family member with a list of why you’re grateful for them.

  8. Have an ugly Christmas sweater contest using old Christmas decorations for materials.

  9. Have a family holiday campout around the Christmas tree.

  10. Make a holiday craft together.

    • One of my favorites is making a homemade snow globe using old jars! You can add in something specific and special for each child and/or to represent the year.

No matter what the activity is, the important thing to remember is to have fun with your family! Be sure you’re making time to relax together, and see what fun holiday activities you can find. Let’s celebrate more than the holidays this year — let’s celebrate our time together!

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